
Connecting the Tools: How I built and now manage Components UI [part 2]

Now that the tools, products and services are defined and set I want to explain briefly how I connect them with each other to design the systems and processes that power Components UI.

This is part 2 of a series called "How I built and manage Components UI". If your want to read part 1 where I describe in depth the products and services I used to built and now manage Components UI click here

At the top of the funnel, people find about Components UI thru social media or Google search (this is achieved by improving the SEO ranking with content marketing using Ghost to manage and publish the blog). After they engage with the content on the landing page (designed and built with Carrd) they might find a free guide available and sign up to receive it via email using the Convertkit sign up form (for example, they sign up to receive  "10 days of Carrd").

Once they sign up they are brought into an automation in Convertkit where they'll receive the guide that they signed up for. This can be a one time email or a sequence of emails like in "10 days of Carrd". After receiving the guides they are bought into another automation where I do a "soft" pitch of one of my products: telling them what the product is about and the benefits of the product. If they decide to buy, the automation stops and they are tagged as a customer in Convertkit using the Gumroad integration. This is done automatically to make sure that I don't keep pitching a product to people that already purchased it.

Once people purchased a product they are brought into another automation in Convertkit where - over a period of time - receive emails doing a follow up on the purchase and asking them for feedback. At the end of this automation I do another "soft" pitch (cross sell) of another one of my products since people that already bought your product and are satisfied with it are more incline to buy again from you. Depending on the product I might offer a discount on the new product since I want to thank people that support my work.

In between all of this funnel I track where people are coming from (referrals) in Fathom Analytics to see which fire I should feed with more gasoline (do more of what already works) and also track what pieces of content are more popular to maybe expand on those concepts or publish more posts in the blog around that topic. This publishing - in time - feeds the SEO machine and helps to bring more people to the site where the funnel starts again.

This is just one piece of the system I use to bring all of these services together. The system is mostly automated and helps me create a kind of perpetual sales machine without spending much time and disconnecting the input from the output. In other words, I can get a lot of output (sales, visitors, etc) with less input (time spent promoting and developing Components UI).

This is part 2 of a series called "How I built and manage Components UI". If your want to read part 1 where I describe in depth the products and services I used to built and now manage Components UI click here

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Components UI 2023 v 0.9.1.